Voter Registration Efforts at UHSL Find Success Nearly 500 Students Ready to Vote
“When you vote, you participate in making society a better place.”
Kathy Hradecky is a volunteer deputy registrar in Fort Bend County charged with registering people to vote. Since late August, she and other volunteers have registered nearly 500 students at the University of Houston Sugar Land.

“It’s been fantastic,” she said. “At other locations we’ve registered maybe 15 people. Each time we’ve come to the University of Houston Sugar Land we’ve register at least 25 students.”
Manning tables in Brazos Hall and the Albert and Mamie George building, Hradecky and other volunteers have handed out voter registration cards and answered questions, like:
- Do I have to register to cast a ballot? (Yes, you must be registered in order to vote. It’s easy, quick and important.)
- What if I’m out of town on Election Day? (Early voting starts on October 24.)
- What can I use as a Voter ID? (You can present your driver’s license, passport, military ID, concealed handgun license or Election Identification Certificate. Read more information on the Texas Voter ID law.)

Political science and history faculty took note of their presence on campus and invited Hradecky to speak to their classes. She said the impromptu civics classes resulted in more students registering to participate in future elections.
“It’s been fun to be part of democracy in action, empowering people to become part of our country’s election process,” she said. “Voting counts. It matters. It impacts your livelihood, the economy, and all aspects of your life. Why wouldn’t you do it?”